Blaxtair Shock Detection
Safety systems

Blaxtair Shock Detection

Impacts caused by vehicles such as forklifts are sometimes perceived as minor and insignificant, and are therefore not systematically reported by operators. However, these incidents can lead to serious consequences. For example, a slight impact with shelves can compromise their stability, increasing the risk of collapse. An impact with a pallet can damage products or their packaging, making the goods unsaleable or requiring repackaging. Impacts can also damage vehicle tires, leading to premature wear and the risk of accidents. Likewise, hitting a wall can cause cracks or structural weaknesses requiring repairs. The ‘Blaxtair Shock Detection’ solution makes impacts visible and traceable. Equipped with an inertial sensor, it detects and localizes impacts in real time and transmits critical data to “Blaxtair Connect”, a Cloud-based IoT solution. It allows each impact to be tracked, specifying their exact location, detection times, vehicles involved and the severity of the impacts. Additionally, visual evidence such as photos and video footage of the incidents are provided for in-depth analysis.

Features of Blaxtair Shock Detection

  • Accurate detection of vehicle impacts (e.g., impacts against a pole / rack / pallet, etc.)
  • Video recording of shocks and snapshots to make impacts visible
  • Control & reduction of impacts thanks to the integrated Blaxtair Connect
  • Reduction in material damage risk and maintenance costs
  • Identification of areas for improvement to optimize operations and increase workplace safety
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